Friday, February 29, 2008

Nature Calls

Slept in this morning, then headed to the grocery store with a list, keeping pretty much to it, trying to lay off the white refined flour, sweets and carbs. Hubby and I had a good debate over 'diets' last night. His philosophy is 2-fold: 1) Not eating unless you are hungry and 2) Not eating beyond feeling full. Everything in moderation. I've been blaming my weight on my meds and moods, but I simply refuse to gain any more weight. I'm not grossly obese, but I'm 30 lbs more than the day I went into the hospital to give birth to my twins, and I can't afford a whole new wardrobe. The hike we took a few weeks back was enough to wear me out - I have to get healthier. I'm going to putter in the garden today and spread the compost (I've been helping God make dirt since we moved in, and the compost is incredible!) around my front bed. It's very pleasant outside, and I will just have to postpone the inside work because nature calls me to have my dirt manicure!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh, I'm so envious! We've had snow, freezing rain, ice.... and another winter weather warning and watch on the way. Please send some Spring to Ohio! I'm desparate!!! LOL.....