Sunday, January 27, 2008

Still that fear...

I admit it. I am afraid of sharing too much about myself in my blog, because I imagine that it puts me in a vulnerable situation. My ideas, my thoughts, the deepest parts of me exposed for anyone to dissect. Now that I'm trying to blog again, I've been surfing around the blogs that interest me, primarily the artsy ones. The bulk of them are simply that - but then and again one crosses an entry that changes your life. Like this morning, checking in on a friends blog. Her honesty is amazing - her ability to put it into words is a gift.

I am trying to remember how I first connected with her. Though I'm certain it was her coming into the rubber stamping/paper arts store I used to own, I can't recall what that 'zing' was. Maybe she showed me a piece of her work. Maybe I showed her something of mine. But there was a connection, and it's not until just now that I'm seeing it in a new light, a connection not just based on similar artistic interests, but spiritually.

So now I ask myself, just how much do I pen in the blog about it? Do I separate an Arsty blog with a Life blog? My heart tells me no - for I cannot separate my life from my art, for Life inspires my art, and each project is a piece of my life, a thread woven bringing me to who I am this moment.

Thank you, friend. You are beautiful. You bless my life. Your openness strengthens me to be honest with myself, and I have had a glimpse of God's work today, through you! Here's to art, here's to living!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I used to struggle to with that same issue, wondering how much is too much, and how do I "compartmentalize" each and every post. One day I realized it is the sum of those parts, that makes me whole and who I am. I simply began to share what I feel inspired to share. You'll figure out what works for you. Hugs,